Ways to Participate

“For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.”
Romans 12:4-5
Table Unions are made of up the follow roles that members are encouraged to take turns fulfilling:
[LEAD] Facilitator
Serves as the meeting host and discussion guide. This person arranges the meeting time, location, and member communication. The Lead Servant greets people and facilitates the overall meeting schedule.
[SPEAK] Scripture Speaker
Prepares (ahead of time) a timed talk based on scripture of choice that addresses the meeting topic. Details are outlined in the Table Union Handbook.
[WATCH] Time Keeper
Keeps meeting on schedule according to the agenda (in Handbook); this includes keeping time for the designated speakers.
Asks 1-2 follow-up questions based on the Scripture Speaker’s talk for the group’s follow-up discussion.
[RECORD] Scribe
Logs the scripture studied and group questions (from Question Quest) into a shared document accessible by the group (e.g. Google Sheets). Also records role assignments for the next meeting.
[PRAISE] Encourager
Provides written feedback to the Scripture Speaker (template in Handbook).
[PRAY] Supplicant
Responsible for the opening and closing prayer.